
Employee Profile - Stéphanie Fournier, Front-end Developer

September 3, 2024
Stéphanie Fournier

Stéphanie Fournier, a graduate in Arts and Letters as well as Multimedia Integration Techniques, specialized in web development before joining our team as a front-end developer in February 2023. Learn more about her strengths and interests within our team!

In a few words, how would you describe your role and your daily routine?

My daily routine as a front-end developer involves enhancing the aesthetics of a website or application to meet the designer’s expectations. I'm often called upon to adjust ongoing projects to ensure their ergonomics and compliance with the latest accessibility standards. To achieve this, I regularly collaborate with my colleagues in cybermetrics and design to ensure that the strategy in place is properly followed.

Working on issue tickets (necessary adjustments, assistance, problem resolutions, etc.) is also one of my most frequent tasks. Some of these tickets can be particularly urgent, especially when it comes to meeting specific client requests or adding pages and components for advertising campaigns.

Ultimately, my role always involves analyzing and deeply understanding our clients’ needs and requests to ensure that the solution we develop fully meets their expectations.

In your opinion, what skills and qualities should a person demonstrate to hold a position like yours?

Attention to detail is an absolutely crucial skill to develop as a front-end developer. It’s also important to communicate well with all stakeholders involved to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the project at every level. Being naturally curious is a big plus, as it helps you stay up-to-date with new technologies and offer increasingly effective solutions to clients.

I would add that patience and perseverance are two other valuable qualities to have in our role because it's not always possible to get everything right on the first try! Some problems are complex and require time and effort to resolve.

What have you learned during your time at Tink?

I’ve learned and progressed a lot since I started at Tink, especially over the past year! I’ve had the opportunity to deepen my technological knowledge and explore new tools like responsive development and Craft CMS.

I’ve also met several specialists with diverse backgrounds who have helped me develop new perspectives on my work. Since there are multiple ways to code, it’s essential to consider the different approaches of colleagues to grow professionally.

On a more personal level, I would say I’ve developed a good sense of resourcefulness from working on such a variety of projects. I’m now better equipped to solve problems on my own because I know how to seek out the right resources to deepen my knowledge and find solutions.

What do you like about Tink, and what makes you stay?

Tink gives me the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, many of which are associated with local businesses. In my previous professional life, I mostly worked on international projects, which made it difficult to see the tangible impact of my contributions. Since I’ve been using my talents to serve local clients, I can see the direct effect of my work on our community.

I also greatly appreciate the diversity of people and technologies I get to work with on projects at Tink. There’s a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration within the company, which makes it easy for me to ask for help and opinions from my colleagues. And I must say, that’s invaluable!

One of Tink’s strengths is also assigning responsibilities that align well with each person’s strengths and skills. For example, in my case, I’m good at explaining concepts and clearly answering client questions, so I’m sometimes called upon for those tasks.

Finally, I really appreciate being able to get involved in committees that are important to me and align with my values, like the Green Squad!

What is your greatest professional accomplishment?

I’m particularly proud of having contributed to the entire front-end setup for the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation website. I also really enjoy working with my colleagues on the design team, offering them help on a daily basis.

I was also tasked with creating a starter kit for WordPress, which includes setting up all the basic technologies to build the site’s structure (plugins, extensions, etc.). This way, new developers or DevOps specialists who join Tink have all the necessary technologies and information to get started on their work.

How would you describe the work atmosphere at Tink?

I often compare Tink to a beehive or a small, organized, and productive town, working in synergy and fostering effective communication between all its parts.

For you, working at Tink means having the opportunity to…

Learn from my colleagues! I would even say that I’ve gained more knowledge in one year at Tink than in five years of previous work experience.

Working at Tink means engaging in all sorts of different projects that allow us to acquire numerous skills and abilities. The digital and technology fields offer unique opportunities to improve and step out of your comfort zone!

What advice would you give to future employees in your field?

Always be curious and open-minded because you’ll be working in a constantly evolving field! It’s essential to keep up with the changes and stay on top of new technologies.

Finally, I would say to be yourself and never fear change. It’s the best way to thrive in your role!