
Employee profile - Ghizlane Hassani, Talent Acquisition Consultant

July 24, 2024

Since arriving in Quebec from her native Morocco in 2017, Ghizlane Hassani has brought her IT recruitment talents to several organizations. Member of our Talent Acquisition team since 2023, she plays a central role in all stages of recruitment for our digital specialists!

In a few words, how would you describe your job and your daily routine?

As a Talent Acquisition Consultant, I'm in charge of the entire recruitment process at Tink. In other words, all the positions advertised on our website are my responsibility.

But before advertising a position, I must first analyze the recruitment needs in detail with the managers concerned. I also meet my superior on a weekly basis to discuss the tasks at hand and the various upcoming recruitments.

At the end of this process, I need to be able to determine the specific positions to be filled, as well as the responsibilities of the person we wish to recruit. I then publish the job description for each position.

Once the advertisement stage is complete, I sort through the CVs received and organize an initial meeting with potential candidates. I then submit the selected candidates to managers for a second, more formal interview. And whatever the outcome of this meeting, I make a point of getting back in touch with each person to give them news and explain the reasons for our choice. This approach enables us to keep in touch with people whose profiles may prove interesting if another position becomes available.

Finally, as my duties are very much related to human resources, I must also set an example by being actively involved in many of our internal events and committees (Wellness Week, Green committee, Occupational Health and Safety committee, Francization committee, etc.).

According to you, what are the skills and qualities that a person must demonstrate to occupy a position like yours?

In terms of skills, people in talent recruitment roles obviously need to be adept with various job platforms (Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Grenier aux nouvelles, etc.) in addition to knowing how to conduct in-depth research and precisely target the skills required to analyze and select the best candidate.

Having technical knowledge in the digital and IT field is another major asset, as it enables us to better understand the exchanges with candidates regarding their jobs. What's more, given the sheer volume of CVs to be processed, meetings to be organized and follow-ups to be carried out, it's important to be resourceful, self-reliant and highly organized in the course of our duties!

In terms of interpersonal skills, I'd say that empathy is very important: you have to be able to put yourself in the candidate's shoes to better understand their stress and put them at ease. Knowing how to gather information from people who are more shy or reserved is another crucial element.

Working in talent acquisition also requires a great deal of honesty, tact and transparency in order to be able to give constructive feedback. I would also stress the importance of knowing how to accept failure when, despite our best efforts, a candidate is not selected.

Finally, as with any profession, it's essential to have a "knack" for it, and to be driven by a genuine passion for what you do on a daily basis!

What have you learned during your years at Tink?

Above all, I've learned to be patient and not to get discouraged, just because you open a position doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to fill it in the next 2 days! It's also important to manage the expectations of all stakeholders to make the best decisions in the recruitment process.

What do you like about Tink, and what makes you stay?

I particularly enjoy working with my supervisor, Vincent Caron, who has become a real mentor to me over the years! He has great humility and empathy and is very transparent with me, which really helps me to improve on a daily basis. Although our visions sometimes differ, we're never afraid to share our opinions and enrich our exchanges in a climate of mutual respect.

For me, working at Tink also means getting involved in a number of social committees and helping to make a difference on a daily basis to achieve our goals!

What's your greatest professional achievement?

I'm very proud to have succeeded in filling the position of data analyst, as it was a particularly difficult task due to our high and specific requirements. It took me a while and a lot of effort to find the proper candidate for the position, but in the end I was successful!

How would you describe the working atmosphere at Tink?

I work in a very pleasant atmosphere, where it's always fun to come into the office whenever I feel like it! I'm often lucky enough to see new faces when I come in, which I particularly appreciate. And we often have the chance to see each other and socialize with colleagues, thanks to a multitude of social events organized throughout the year.

For you, working at Tink means having the chance...?

... to work in a healthy and humane environment, where my skills are valued.

What advice would you give to future employees in your field?

As I mentioned earlier, you need a lot of patience to progress in a position like mine, because the recruitment process is often comparable to a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs. That's part of the reality of our business. So don't worry too much if you don't manage to fill a position: roll up your sleeves, keep moving forward and continue your search, because perseverance is often the best recruiting weapon!